riscemu.types.cpu module

class riscemu.types.cpu.CPU(mmu: MMU, instruction_sets: List[Type[InstructionSet]], conf: RunConfig)

Bases: ABC

INS_XLEN: int = 4
__init__(mmu: MMU, instruction_sets: List[Type[InstructionSet]], conf: RunConfig)
mmu: MMU
regs: Registers
conf: RunConfig
instruction_sets: Set[InstructionSet]
instructions: Dict[str, Callable[[Instruction], None]]
halted: bool
cycle: int
pc: int
debugger_active: bool
run_instruction(ins: Instruction)

Execute a single instruction


ins – The instruction to execute

load_program(program: Program)
abstract step(verbose: bool = False)
abstract run(verbose: bool = False)
launch(verbose: bool = False)
abstract classmethod get_loaders() Iterable[Type[ProgramLoader]]
get_best_loader_for(file_name: str) Type[ProgramLoader]
property sections
property programs