riscemu.instructions.instruction_set module

RiscEmu (c) 2021 Anton Lydike

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

class riscemu.instructions.instruction_set.InstructionSet(cpu: CPU)

Bases: ABC

Represents a collection of instructions

Each instruction set has to inherit from this class. Each instruction should be it’s own method:

instruction_<name>(self, ins: LoadedInstruction)

instructions containing a dot ‘.’ should replace it with an underscore.

__init__(cpu: CPU)

Create a new instance of the Instruction set. This requires access to a CPU, and grabs vertain things from it such as access to the MMU and registers.

load() Dict[str, Callable[[Instruction], None]]

This is called by the CPU once it instantiates this instruction set

It returns a dictionary of all instructions in this instruction set, pointing to the correct handler for it


Returns a list of all valid instruction names included in this instruction set

converts underscores in names to dots

parse_mem_ins(ins: Instruction) Tuple[str, Int32]

parses both rd, rs, imm and rd, imm(rs) argument format and returns (rd, imm+rs1) (so a register and address tuple for memory instructions)

parse_rd_rs_rs(ins: Instruction, signed=True) Tuple[str, Int32, Int32]

Assumes the command is in <name> rd, rs1, rs2 format Returns the name of rd, and the values in rs1 and rs2

parse_rd_rs_imm(ins: Instruction, signed=True) Tuple[str, Int32, Int32]

Assumes the command is in <name> rd, rs, imm format Returns the name of rd, the value in rs and the immediate imm

parse_rs_rs_imm(ins: Instruction, signed=True) Tuple[Int32, Int32, Int32]

Assumes the command is in <name> rs1, rs2, imm format Returns the values in rs1, rs2 and the immediate imm

get_reg_content(ins: Instruction, ind: int) Int32

get the register name from ins and then return the register contents

property pc

shorthand for self.cpu.pc

property mmu
property regs